Online Educational Resources

The North Carolina Maritime Museum in Beaufort collects, preserves, researches, documents, and interprets the maritime history, culture, and environment of coastal North Carolina. The focus of the Education branch is to expand on existing exhibits that are in the museum gallery by designing and conducting program opportunities for all ages and by providing additional information, hands-on learning opportunities and resource materials.

The museum education staff provides the following learning resources that can be downloaded. Topics cover traditional wooden workboats of North Carolina, the United States Life-Saving Service, Marine Revenue Service and Coast Guard operations, commercial and recreational fisheries of the past and present, marine mammals and the historic whale fishery of North Carolina, coastal habitats and wildlife, Blackbeard the pirate and the shipwreck of the Queen Anne’s Revenge, recreation on the coast and much more.

Some of the available documents are research papers, posters and archived handouts used at the museum; therefore, they may not contain up-to-date information on the topic but do serve as a record of findings and collected information that was available at the time of their publishing.