Ever wonder what those little gadgets with the temperature and humidity read-outs in museum cases are all about? How about those pink-blue strips, the ones that look like a flat thermometer? Or those little baggies of orange-green beads? Conservators and Collection’s staff spend a great...

Learn about the building of the Huron Jewel during a Nov. 10 slideshow presentation in the museum auditorium. The presentation starts at 5:30 p.m. and will be followed by a Q&A session. Tours of the schooner will be offered Nov. 9-10 from 10 a.m. to...

NaviLens technology has been installed throughout the museum to assist the Blind and those with low vision in navigating autonomously. Its sister app, NaviLens GO, uses the same technology to offer the same on-demand, interactive experiences for sighted visitors. This technology works by using unique colored...